The reception closes
The reception at Húsi fagfélaganna, Stórhöfða 31, will be closed from Tuesday, January 18, due to new regulation regarding the [...]
The reception at Húsi fagfélaganna, Stórhöfða 31, will be closed from Tuesday, January 18, due to new regulation regarding the [...]
Below is a link to updated guidelines for the workplaces.
We are happy to announce that our offices at RSÍ are open again. Office hours are the same as before, [...]
Daily information meeting on April 1st it was made clear that cottages around the country owned by unions should be [...]
Due to the unusual circumstances that have arisen, including heavily increased work loads at The Directorate of Labour, is evident [...]
The Directorate of Labour in Iceland has gathered information in relation to Covid-19 Guidelines in English
The Alþingi has approved a temporary authorisation to withdraw funds from private pension plans. It is important that fund members [...]
Directorate of Health has published instructions for different industries on their website.